
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Still Life Watercolor

Shirley Trevena  is one of my favorite contemporary watercolorists. I love the way she fractures and breaks up the space in some of her still life paintings. Since I am learning to paint digital watercolors using Photoshop, I thought I would play with one of my collages. I have really enjoyed making these collages. I recently went to some of the home department stores near me to photograph their home decor displays. I use parts of the images as collages. I am planning to paint some of them with digital watercolor. I will print out my favorites on large page labels that I buy from Online Labels and put them in a composition book that I bought at the Dollar Tree store. I love these cheap composition books, because there are 100 pages I can fill without worrying about ruining an expensive journal. If I want to paint in it I usually glue a couple of pages together so they will hold up to the paint. However, I rather paint on my computer and use the Online Labels, which I blogged  about earlier. No messy glue to fool with or paint to clean up.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Digital Watercolor

I have been teaching myself to paint digital watercolor painting using Tim Shelbourne's Photoshop watercolor brushes that I bought. PhotoshopCS6 has its own watercolor brushes, which I am sure Tim's are made from.Tim is a master of Photoshop and brush making.

I decided to try an imitate the marks and strokes made by some of my favorite watercolor artists. I must have hundreds of art instruction books, (two walls of book cases!) and most of them are about water media  techniques. This piece was inspired by the works of Milind Mulick. I say inspired, but not near as clean or with the ease he paints his watercolors. I have a long way to go to be able to paint like him! I am just pleased to learn that I can almost simulate any real watercolors with digital brushes!

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