
Monday, February 11, 2013

Digital Watercolor

I have been teaching myself to paint digital watercolor painting using Tim Shelbourne's Photoshop watercolor brushes that I bought. PhotoshopCS6 has its own watercolor brushes, which I am sure Tim's are made from.Tim is a master of Photoshop and brush making.

I decided to try an imitate the marks and strokes made by some of my favorite watercolor artists. I must have hundreds of art instruction books, (two walls of book cases!) and most of them are about water media  techniques. This piece was inspired by the works of Milind Mulick. I say inspired, but not near as clean or with the ease he paints his watercolors. I have a long way to go to be able to paint like him! I am just pleased to learn that I can almost simulate any real watercolors with digital brushes!


  1. I thought this looked like a lot like Milind's work even before I read the post, a very beautiful job Eva, look forward to more!

    1. Thank Pamaja. I love his work and I am honored that mine reminded you of his.I am late with my replies due to Blogger not notifying me of your comments.I am so sorry and hope to remedy the problem soon

  2. I enjoy the works you're doing on your computer easel.

    1. Thank you Hallie. I am having fun. Sorry about the late reply. I have a glitch somewhere here in Blogger.

  3. 2013 is turning out to be your digital year, Eva! Very nicely done.

  4. Thank you Carole. My studio is so cold in the winter that my old knees just can't take it anymore. Now that I am retired I prefer my warm cozy recliner and the computer! It has been a fun challenge to paint like this!

  5. I would never have guessed this to be a digital painting. Do you print on a watercolor paper? if so, how would anyone be able to tell the difference between digital and actual paint!

    1. Robin, it is so much fun to paint digitally. I couldn't believe it either how much it look like traditional watercolor. I don't have a good printer anymore so I can't really tell how they would look printed on an Epson printer. I just use my cheap Kodak. They look okay, but the color is off.I need to play with the setting some more. :O)


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