
Tuesday, June 17, 2008

40 Years of Creativity

It’s been many years since I lived in Newnan, Georgia and belonged to the Newnan Coweta Art Association. Thursday, June 19th, they will be celebrating their 40th anniversary and paying tribute to their past presidents. I served as president in 1980. It was my first time serving in any official position. Needless to say it was a challenge, but with the help of everyone, especially our dear late friend Harriet Alexander, I manage to pull through it. I have fond memories of those years and I enjoyed being a member of this wonderful organization. They were like family. Today I am reminded how much I miss those times together. Happy 40th dear Newnan Coweta Art Association!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Time Slips Away

I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I last made an entry. I’ve spent most of my time in my studio and doing physical therapy for my left knee replacement. Fortunately I’ve had some success with my art and my knee is slowly coming along. I continue to be fascinated with Yupo, the plastic sign material now available for artists. I wrote about it in an earlier post “Feeding The Soul”. The slippery surface is still a challenge. The first image, “Shifting Gears”, was accepted in the Georgia Watercolor Society show. Years ago I was a “signature member” with this group, but lost my status when I didn’t renew my membership. Now I’m back to square one. The second one, “Casting Up Stream” won an Honorable Mention in the recent Atlanta Artists Center show. All of these “pats-on-the back” are keeping me inspired and painting. Now if I would only keep my blog and web site up to date!
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